DUTCH Test Individual Order

$399.00 USD

Hormone Mapping is different than a basic one-point blood draw of your homones. Done through urine over 24 hours, this panel will assess values across the course of a day to give you a fully accurate picture of what's going on, instead of just snapshot. You'll see levels and pathways on your hormones, plus a 24 hour mapping of your adrenal patterns. You'll also see vitamin deficiencies and neurotransmitter markers.

What you'll get:

  • DUTCH Test (Hormone & Adrenal Mapping)

  • Lab Review Call with a Journey to Wellness Practioner to go over your results (Active clients will have their test review on their next scheduled appointment within your current plan)

After your purchase, you'll receive instructions via email on your next steps.

1. Tests are shipped directly to your house.

2. You'll complete it at home and mail it back in.

3. When the results come in, we'll schedule your test review appointment, included in the cost of your testing package. (Active clients will have their test review on their next scheduled appointment within your current plan)

4. During this test review appointment, based on your specific results we'll walk you through which Journey to Wellness program is right for you and go over all associated costs if you choose to move forward.

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Date of Birth (01/01/1980):

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These tests are for informational purposes and not meant to treat, diagnose or cure.